Greetings, Survivors!
The Lunar New Year is upon us. The rabbit gives way to the dragon and to us, that's cause to celebrate.
If you play between now and February 24th, machines you kill will offer you special loot.
Lunar New Year Jacket

This red and gold jacket drops from the Reaper. Gather your allies, increase your threat level and defeat this mighty foe for some new apparel!
Lunar New Year Companion Skin

Inspired by the Green Lion Dance, the Resistance decided to give your metal friend a makeover. They now look 100% more festive!
Lunar New Year Fireworks

You can find these new fireworks in all suitable loot containers. They explode in beautiful red, green, and gold bursts and provide some much-needed distraction in precarious situations.
Now, go forth and loot in the name of Lunar New Year!
We wish you happiness and prosperity.
The Generation Zero Dev Team