Hi everybody! Hope you’re all doing well! Let’s briefly talk about what’s coming up for Generation Zero.
We’re now partway into June and the team has been busy trying to address and improve things in game as fast and best as we can. Two big items that we know are top of mind with everyone is machine corpses floating away and game difficulty. Both of these items are getting attention in our next update as we know how frustrating they’ve been for players.
We’ve put in a fix for the floating corpses that should eliminate the problem, but as usual if you happen to see it continue, do let us know when the time comes so we can stay on top of it. With game difficulty, we’ve made a mix of balance tweaks and bug fixes that should alleviate many of the pain points. By making these changes we hope to better align with the difficulty descriptions we have in-game, so that you know what you’re getting into and not being surprised by how challenging the machines are. As with other things, please let us know how these changes feel so we can continue to fine-tune the experience to match the expectations of each difficulty level.
On top of that, we suspect you’ve been seeing some interesting things coming out of our social channels that may be a hint about things to come. Or perhaps you’ve experienced a new, and rather unfriendly, reception in a certain part of Östertörn. Well if you haven’t yet gotten wind of either of these, now is the time to start keeping an eye out. Very soon we’ll be giving you some more detailed information on our next Update. So stay tuned!
Take care out there and we’ll see you soon!
-The Generation Zero Team