Hello everyone and Happy Birthday! On this day two years ago, Generation Zero saw the light for the first time, and what a trip it’s been over these two years. Since then, we’ve come a long way, and just this past year, we’ve introduced a new inventory system with crafting and the Reaper Rival enemy. Along that came two DLCs and Assignments, but most importantly, we now have direction signs in the bunkers throughout Östertörn!

This past week was with celebrations in all different forms. We’ve had giveaways, free weekends, and if you were really lucky, you might even have won a Generation Zero PC key or a T-shirt. There’s been plenty of activity and chatter throughout the week, and we are truly grateful that you all chose to celebrate this special occasion with us!

The Generation Zero community has definitely got an eye for detail, so most of you probably already noticed that we’ve changed our colors and graphics up a bit in our recent Resistance Update Trailer and on our Social Media pages. As we start our third year and the Resistance starts to grow in Östertörn, this brand new look is something that you will start to see a lot more of.

Our sharp looks is not the only thing that's new, though, and talking about the Resistance Update we’ve got some news for you! But before we show you a bit more in detail what's coming with the next update, the feedback that all of you have shared with us regarding the trailer and Basebuilding feature has been amazing, and we are very excited to share our work with you later this spring.

Speaking of Basebuilding, let's take a closer look at what this will entail. With the Resistance Update, you will now be able to create your own base in Östertörn and defend it against FNIX’s vicious attacks. A better-built base means better protection against your enemies, and believe me, you’re going to need it.


When you’re ready with your defenses, it's time to trigger the attack, and as a player, you’ll be able to select between three different difficulty levels, where the hardest one will earn you the most spoils. If you make it out alive, that is.

Lastly, thank you all for this past year - Together, we are the Resistance, and we’ll make the third year of Generation Zero amazing! Until next time, this was your year in Generation Zero:

-The Generation Zero Team