Hello Everyone!
As we move closer to our Resistance Update and the Soviet Weapons Pack release, we’ve got some mixed news for you today.
Now, if you tuned in to the GZ stream last week, you might have heard the news already, but if not, we are sad to share with you that the Xbox delay of the Resistance Update will be somewhat prolonged. In our last Letter from the Team, we mentioned this delay and were hoping for our certification issues to be solved, but there are no definite dates when we might see this update going live, but we are aiming at the end of May. Rest assured that we as a team are doing everything we can to get this update to you as soon as possible! Keep an eye out on our Social Media channels where we will keep you informed of our progress.
Viewers of the Stream also got the chance to see a demo of our new Base Building feature, and as questions about the related Challenge Tree started to pop up, we thought we’d give you a little preview of it here in the letter. Viewers of the Stream also got the chance to see a demo of our new Base Building feature, and as questions about the related Challenge Tree started to pop up, we thought we’d give you a little preview of it here in the letter.
This is what our Game Designer, Dr. Patrick, had to say about his creation. "Since we had planned for a bunch of various activities the player could engage in with this patch, I thought it would be the best approach to make each challenge focus on those activities, so the player would feel a bit more rewarded for trying them all out rather than only focusing on, for example, the base building aspect. I know a lot of work and thought had been made by our designers Amanda and Laura to bring the "messages in a bottle" to their full potential with some interesting bits of resistance lore. So I essentially thought we could help push the player into finding all of them if they knew there was an extra reward to be acquired on top".
Do you think you’ll be able to clear them all and claim the grand prize?

Until next time, stay out of trouble.
-The Generation Zero team