Hey everyone - we’re back! And welcome to our first check-in for 2020!
After the break the team is now in the office, rested, full of holiday food, and already hard at work on the coming improvements and additions to Generation Zero.
Now of course the holidays didn’t mean that we disappeared entirely! We’ve had our eyes open over the past weeks, noting down feedback and information from our veteran players, as well as eagerly seeing what GZ new-comers have to say about the game. We’ll take that feedback and start to incorporate it into our future updates - but before we get to that we’ve already planned something for this month.
So what can you expect in the January Update? Primarily bug-fixing, and a little extra surprise we’ll cover nearer the time. Now please do note that this update is going to be a little smaller than what we’ve done in prior months - due to the holiday period. With the way development works, when we release something, you generally receive the product of the prior month or so’s work. As a result, holiday time-off tends to affect the following month’s release more than the month the holidays take place in. But that said, every day we pick up more steam towards all of the rest of the awesome updates you can expect this year!
Keep your eyes peeled for the normal patch notes, and some extra information about the surprise a little later in the month. Until then, hope to catch you all in next week’s stream!
//The Generation Zero Team