Hey everyone - Update time!
Given this time in the month you can likely guess that there is no game update from us for May. We needed to give ourselves the time to focus and prepare for future work on the game. This includes the feedback we received from you all based on the last update as well. We hope you understand and will bear with us just a little longer!
That said, if you’ve been following our channels, you may have read Calle’s latest post on the Östertör-net BBS where he said that he was going to write a letter to the editor of Dagstidningen, and sure enough, he did! And we got our hands on it early:

“Stop FOA, Save Östertörn!
Very strange things are happening right now in Östertörn and I want to claim that it's in direct connection with the Försvarets Forskningsanstalt placed here. Wouldn't you agree with me when I say that things haven’t been usual lately? We've definitely got increased radiation here in Östertörn and I suspect that it has something to do with that laboratory "FOA35" and one of their experiments. Could they have alien technology there or plain and simple a real living alien?! It’s something out of this world for sure, I'm certain of it! They are after us! As usual we know that they won't give up anything, so I want to warn you what’s in the making and that we together claim our right to truth from the government.
Enough is enough!
Keep an eye out for other bits of information in the coming weeks as we head into summer. Until next time, stay safe out there!
The Generation Zero Team