Hello everyone and welcome to today’s special Letter from the Team where we are taking a closer look at our Accessibility options that were introduced with the Resistance Update.
Some of you might already have seen this new exciting tab in the Generation Zero main menu, but for you who didn’t we want to highlight these new improvements that we’ve made to the game to make it enjoyable for everyone. All these settings and more can be found in the Settings Menu under Accessibility!

Crosshair Recolouring
The crosshair in the hud can now be colored to whatever color you wish. Generation Zero also comes with a number of options that can be changed at any point during gameplay.

On the subject of Crosshairs, the new update also allows the player to choose between the current Dynamic crosshair or a static crosshair. This will allow you to set whether the crosshair adjusts its size when you are venturing across the world or if you prefer a more stationary appearance.
Text Size Adjustment
With this setting, you are able to change the size of the text used for the in-game text chat or the game’s subtitles.
Subtitle & Crosshair shadow
This option allows you to adjust the shadow you see on the crosshair when a weapon is drawn and when subtitles are displayed.

If there are other ways that you think we can improve the accessibility for Generation Zero, we are more than happy to know about it and would love your comments on our social media pages.
-The Generation Zero team