Happy Friday everybody!
Mixed bag of news today, a little bit of everything. Let’s start off with some good news!
We’ve fixed, QA tested, and are partway through the Certification process for an Xbox Hotfix that we’re looking to have go live on Monday! This hotfix will alleviate the inability to progress past the Sign-In or Continue flow when first starting the game. It also fixes a few other crash bugs. More detail will come in our mini-patch notes.
Now on PS4, we’ve been making steady progress, as we’ve stated before, but lately, we’ve gotten some of the more annoying repeatable crash bugs to be far less reproducible than they were previously. When before we were looking at reproducible crashes at 90-100% of the time, we’re now seeing them under 10% of the time. Still, more work needed to try to eliminate them completely, but we’re in a much better position than last week, and the week before that!
While we’re still pushing hard on the PS4 fixes, it is worth mentioning that we’re still working on future things as we do plan to continue supporting the game. Since the PS4 fixes are worked on by specific people, team members from other disciplines (art, design, etc.) are free to continue working on other stuff we have coming up that will improve and expand the game for all players. We won’t be outlining anything yet as we want to make sure we nail down what matters most at the moment, but we will absolutely let you know once we’re over this hurdle.
We hope that provides a bit more insight into where we are today and that you understand how we’re proceeding. Please reach out to us in any of our channels if you have any feedback on this information.
Thank you and we’ll update you when the Xbox hotfix goes live!
-The Generation Zero team