Hello to all of you out there!
We’re glad to hear that many of our Xbox players are enjoying FNIX Rising after the delays! While it’s definitely been less than ideal that the release has been this far behind the one on PC, we’re glad that it’s now in your hands.
That said, we’re saddened to hear that some Xbox players are having a poor experience after the latest update - specifically they are crashing on startup. While we’d not seen this at all during our routine testing, it is nonetheless something serious and we’re diving into it as we speak. Right now things appear to be related to save games, which are easy to get if you’re playing on PC, but much harder to get to if you’re on Xbox. Luckily our partners at Xbox have talked to us about how they can help and we are now in the process of getting save games from affected players so that we can start tracking this issue down. We’ll keep updating everyone via this thread. We apologize for the problems and hope to get this sorted soon so you can get back to playing!
Now, PS4 players, some news: We’re very close! We’ve recently tracked down and solved the major MP issues that we were seeing on your version of the FNIX Rising update. What remains now are some other crash issues that we’re stomping out as fast as possible. Behind the scenes, we’ve been through a few instances of “we’ve fixed it all” and then the next day we find a new issue that causes us to stop and start over. The first time wasn’t great, but the next few really hurt. Believe us, we want to get this in your hands as much as you want it from us!
With all that out of the way, what is left is the question of “when?” And right now we can’t give you an exact answer but we are closer than we’ve ever been and we can see the finish line. Expect that we’ll have an update to share via our social channels in the next week and we will continue to update you there as things progress. Sorry for the delays and thanks for all of your patience!
Thank you as always and take care out there!
The Generation Zero team