Our latest update finally brings FNIX Rising to PS4 and a brand new update for all platforms at the same time! If you’ve missed it in the past, you can find what was included in FNIX Rising here via our old patch notes. But for this update, let’s talk about the new stuff and the fixes!

New Enemy: The Reaper Rival
A new challenger appears! The Reaper has entered the battlefield and is looking to take on the most formidable players.
There is a chance for the Reaper to spawn if a Region has seen an overwhelming amount of action and climbed to Region Level 21 or above. The higher the region level, the higher the chance for the Reaper to appear! Worth noting, the Reaper is unique, so don’t expect to see more than one at a time on the map.
As for what this new foe brings to the table - well, that’s for you to find out! The abilities of the Reaper we’ll leave up to you to discover, although we know you’ll figure out its secrets in due time. And the same goes for what loot the Reaper drops - we’ve shared some teasers and gameplay of the Experimental Sledgehammer that you can get, but that’s not all that can be looted.
Lastly, this enemy aims to provide a strong challenge for teams of players and isn’t something that one should take on alone. So bring a friend, or two, or preferably three, to fight FNIX's most formidable machine yet!
More Additions & Improvements
Outside of the Reaper, we’ve been working on some other game elements that we think you’ll enjoy.
Firstly we’ve continued our round of updates to the game world, and we expect many of you to very quickly notice more changes to the Farmlands region. It looks like something BIG happened there and has caused plenty of destruction. It might be unknown what caused this at first glance, but walking around the area may give you some clues.
We’ve also kept on track with expanding the Crafting system by releasing some very requested aspects - crafting your own ammo and first aid kits! Yes, now you’ll be able to gather resources and start crafting more of the things you need to survive the harsh Östertörn winters battling menacing machines.
With all of our new additions, we ask that you give us feedback on what you like or don’t like so that we can keep looking to improve the game for you.
Here we go - the things we’ve tweaked in this latest update. Many of which were taken from your feedback!
- [Community Report] We’ve toned down the number of reinforcements that a Harvester can call in
- [Community Report] Improved the ability to crouch and / or go prone in certain situations so that you feel like you properly fit into the area you’re hiding near
- [Community Report] Item slots will remember your last equipped item, so if you run out of first aid kits and then loot one more, it will automatically be assigned to the same slot
- We changed the way that the Stamina Bar looks and feels
Bug Fixes
Animation & Art
- Fixed an issue where the transition between sprinting and walking could be somewhat jarring
- Fixed an issue where items would “jump” from one hand to the other when swapping from a weapon to an item
- Fixed an issue where a player would appear to be aiming their gun and standing while riding a bike
- Fixed an issue where Calle’s hair would look weird in specific lighting
- Fixed an issue where the explosion at the end of “We are the Resistance” could flicker drastically
- Fixed an issue with scopes clipping into the weapon model for the Automatgevär 5
- Fixed an issue where the Hazard Jacket would block part of the screen when switching weapons
- Fixed an issue where a detached part of a destroyed Apocalypse Class Tank would be transparent from certain angles
- Fixed an issue where the wrong key 3d model was used in the main mission “Flying Blind”
- Fixed several LOD and object flickering issues
Crashes - Fixed a crash when players would jump and use a quick slot button at the same time
- Fixed multiple crashes when various combinations of a host or client(s) would exit to main menu in a multiplayer session
- Fixed a crash during the multiplayer join sequence for the player joining
- Fixed various out of memory crashes
Machines - Fixed an issue where in some instances, Tanks would walk into hangars
- Fixed an issue where Tanks could get stuck and behave oddly near the Hotel on Himfjäll
- Fixed an issue where the Tank would sometimes use the wrong weapon for the situation
- Fixed an issue where the incendiary machine gun rounds from a Tank would not properly spread to players who were near each other
- Fixed an issue where Hunters were still able to fire back while staggered by the Experimental 12G Pump-Action
- Fixed a few more instances of Machine corpses floating or sliding away
- Fixed a few instances of Hunters not properly repositioning when a player is behind cover
- Fixed an issue where Hunters were continuing to fire their weapon even though they did not properly have line of sight on a player
- Fixed an issue where Harvesters were repeatedly firing missiles
- Fixed an issue with some Ticks using the wrong explosion type in certain instances
- Fixed an issue where sometimes melee weapons would not deal damage in multiplayer games
Missions - [Community Report] Fixed an issue where machines were not properly spawning in for the Alpine Unrest side mission “Normal Lives,” blocking progress
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where a mission step for “Fighting the Future” in FNIX Rising could be triggered and completed before the mission started, blocking progress
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where machines were not properly spawning in for the FNIX Rising main mission “Where the Sun Sets”, blocking progress
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where machines were not properly spawning in for the FNIX Rising main mission “Tidal Wave”, blocking progress
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where Rivals were not properly spawning in for the FNIX Rising main mission “Piece by Piece”, blocking progress
- Fixed an issue where the objective icons for destroying the supplies were offset from the items in the main mission “Refueling”
- Fixed an issue where a side mission icon was incorrectly being used in the Alpine Unrest main mission “The Hellmouth”
- Fixed an issue where no map icon appeared for the Tank you needed to destroy in the Alpine Unrest side mission “Last Resort”
- Fixed an issue where the interaction point appeared behind Anita in the Alpine Unrest main mission “For the Sick and Injured”
- Fixed an issue where machine corpses could prevent the spawning of the truck in the FNIX Rising main mission “Wages of Fear”, blocking progress
- Fixed an issue where machines would not properly respawn after failing the FNIX Rising main mission “Wages of Fear”, blocking progress
- Fixed an issue where no map icon appeared for talking to Calle during the FNIX Rising main mission “Wages of Fear”
- Fixed an issue where no compass icon was shown when tracking the FNIX Rising side mission “In the Face of Adversity”
- Fixed an issue where map icons would not show up unless you opened and closed map during the FNIX Rising side mission “In the Face of Adversity”
- Fixed an issue where the “lootable” icon would not disappear after looting the reward during, or even after finishing, the FNIX Rising side mission “In the Face of Adversity”
- Fixed issues around objects popping in late on low graphical settings, causing players to not see the proper path to complete the race during the FNIX Rising side mission “In the Face of Adversity”
- Fixed an issue where you would instantly fail the FNIX Rising main mission “Tidal Wave” a second time after failing it the first time
- Fixed an issue where an erroneous side mission icon would appear during the FNIX Rising main mission “Tidal Wave”
- Fixed an issue where the objective to kill machines would not properly update during the FNIX Rising side mission “Fighting the Future”
- Fixed an issue where an interaction point in the FNIX Rising side mission “Strength in Numbers” was hard to interact with
- Fixed an issue where an icon would incorrectly appear in-world for some of the FNIX Rising missions, instead of only the map and compass icons
- Fixed an issue where there were inconsistent use of mission icons for various FNIX Rising missions
- Fixed an issue where sometimes during multiplayer, destroying a single machine for a mission objective would count as 2
- Fixed an issue where other players could not see the hacking device when they were planted in the FNIX Rising main mission “Test Run”
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the timer would not appear during the FNIX Rising main mission “Good Night”, causing confusion
- Fixed an issue where the timer would disappear during the FNIX Rising main mission “Good Night”, causing confusion during the explosion
- Tweaked the Classes and numbers of Machines that are spawned for many of the missions in FNIX Rising to bring them more in-line with the world spawned machines
UI - [Community Report] Clarified the requirements for the “Brain Power” Challenge in the Truth tree to eliminate confusion
- [Community Report] Players are now able to rebind the Prone key
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where binding Q to strafe left would not work when aiming down sights or using binoculars
- Fixed an issue with the final tier of the “Off the Grid” Challenge in the Scout tree counting Harvester kills incorrectly
- Fixed a few instances of the radiation damage icon not properly showing on a player’s screen when they are under its effects
- Fixed an issue where damage over time effect icons were not showing on a player at all if they got on a bicycle
- Fixed an issue where the Crafting tutorial would only trigger if you found a schematic in the world, instead of from anywhere (ex. looting a machine corpse)
- Fixed an issue where sometimes tracked Rivals would not have their icons appear on the compass
- Fixed an issue where text could not be copied from the in-game chat
- Fixed an issue with some extra magazines would show up when viewing weapons in menus
- Fixed an issue where you could appear to store Crafting materials in you item Storage instead of your Crafting Storage
- Fixed an issue where voice chat prompts would overlap with the quick slots
- Fixed an issue where the button actions would not properly update when switching between your Inventory and your Storage item lists while looking at your Storage
- Fixed an issue where sometimes Ticks with no loot, were lootable
- Fixed an issue where the spawn location toolbar would remain on screen if the player was revived while viewing the map to pick a spawn location
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the revive or spawn location toolbar would remain on screen after dying
- Fixed an issue where bicycle icons were sticking on the world map and in-world even after a player tried to spawn multiple bicycles
- Fixed an issue where players could get stuck watching the Credits at the end of FNIX Rising if they had the chat window open when the Credits start
- Fixed an issue where the weight the player was holding was inconsistent between the Storage Box and the Resource Storage
- Fixed an issue where the Shoes icon for the Apparel Crafting Station was incorrect
- Fixed an issue where sometimes there would be missing text for interaction prompts if the “Hold to Interact” setting was set to Off
- Fixed an issue with icons and interaction prompts appearing on other players bicycles
- Fixed an issue where the “Salute” and “Air Punch” emotes were using the same icon
- Fixed an issue where Stenmyra had two icons
Weapons - Fixed an issue where a player’s aim would not be affected by running out of stamina while holding their breath for a sniping shot
- Fixed an issue where swinging melee weapons would generate too much noise and would end up alerting far away enemies
World - [Community Report] Fixed an issue where some players could not see, or be affected by, machine weapon fire
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where some first aid kits found in the world had the wrong model for the item that was actually being picked up (ex. Advanced First-aid Kit 3d model, but when looted, it was a Standard)
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the Gnome at Måsskär Radar Station would automatically be picked up when an explosion was triggered
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where some hand-placed items in the world could only be picked up by the first player to grab them in a multiplayer game, when everyone should have access to it
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where players would fall through a section of the bridge North of Stenmyra and on the bridge at Himfjäll
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where some windows could be pushed right off of the house
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in a tent at Brevikens Camping
- Fixed an issue where the explosions at Måsskär Radar Station would only play, and deal damage to the player that triggered them, leading to a mismatch in experience for all players in multiplayer
- Fixed an issue where weapons would sometimes shake like crazy in players’ hands when they first join a game, especially melee weapons
- Fixed an issue where players could throw Field Radios behind locked doors in order to bypass them
- Fixed an issue where some NPCs in FNIX Rising could be pushed around their room
- Fixed an issue where a destroyed container door on the ground could be interacted with (and would open!)
- Fixed an issue where some fires were not causing fire damage
- Fixed a few instances of weather appearing indoors
- Fixed a few instances of players getting stuck on objects
- Fixed several issues of terrain and objects clipping through other objects
- Fixed several issues of floating objects
- Fixed several visual holes in the world
- Fixed several instances of excess, or missing, collision
General - [Community Report] Fixed an issue where it was quite common to get a “Failed to Connect” message when attempting to play multiplayer
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the Fashionist achievement was not unlocking properly
- [Community Report] Fixed an issue where the Final Countdown achievement was not unlocking properly
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the Eagle Eye challenge from the Survivor tree would be granted to you after another player actually completed the action
- Fixed an issue where a player could still join an “Invite Only” game of a friend if they had the “Friends” Menu open before the first player changed the game setting
- Upped the max Region Level to 25 from 20
- Added a Blueprint Collectible for the Apocalypse Class Harvester to the world
- Various text tweaks for clarity, brevity, or eliminating clutter
Known Issues
We’re highlighting a few issues below that we know are pain points so that you know we are investigating them. There are definitely more than are listed here that we’re looking into.
- The bridge at Boo has gone missing, but it will be returning in the next update
- Missing structures and holes in the ground at the FOA2 base near Norrmyra Artillery Base will cause players to get stuck if they fall in, fast traveling out of the hole is possible and will be fixed in the next update
- Side mission icon incorrectly used for world location near Dyrboslätten in the Farmlands
- Large boulder makes it somewhat difficult to spawn bike at bike station for side mission “In The Face Of Adversity”
- In rare cases, if a Host travels extremely far away from the Truck and travels back, the Truck will not respawn for the Host, a workaround is to re-create your game session (quit game, then continue)
- The “NUM/” and “NUM*” keys have issues with being re-bound on German keyboards
- Destroying the sight organs of a Tank does not impair its sight ability
- The reinforced truck can be inadvertently pushed off course by players or machines, but it will reorient itself
- Some players are unable to complete “The Hellmouth” and “For the Sick and Injured” due to Machines not being correctly counted when destroyed
- Some players are unable to complete “Science of Deduction” if they trigger the cave-in sequence before actually completing the Mission
- Some players may be unable to complete the Minken Bunker Mission even after they are able to gain access while having only 2 out of 3 keys; a potential workaround is to restart your game session (close program, then relaunch)