The October Update brings 2 big additions to Generation Zero that we’re excited to put in your hands! In this update we’ve put more of our focus on adding in new things vs. pure bug fixing, but as always we will continue to tackle some every update. Take a look at the Patch Notes and drop us your feedback so we can tweak to make the game better for you!
New Feature: Rivals
Whether you’ve beaten the game or are just starting out new, Rivals will add a whole new type of challenge for all of you out there. As you fight your way through Östertörn the Machines will start taking extra notice as you destroy more and more of them. Destroy enough and one may evolve to become even more dangerous than usual. These Regional Rivals will be designated by a name and a title that hints at the origin of their evolution. Rivals can additionally be created should they defeat you - these Personal Rivals will have evolved due to their prowess in combat against the humans. Like the Regional Rivals, Personal Rivals will also be designated by a name and title that corresponds to their exploits.
But the threat doesn’t end there. How you perform in the world has an impact on how the Rivals evolve even further. Should your Rivals defeat you again, or should you defeat loads of other machines, they will earn experience and level up. Each level makes them that much more deadly - at max level it’s definitely best to think about bringing friends!
New Gear: Experimental Weapons
What are new threats without new rewards for taking them out?! To match the challenge involved in taking out Rivals, we’ve created a new tier of weapon for each weapon class that have a chance to drop when you defeat them. As the Rivals get stronger, the better chance you have to get your hands on these powerful weapons. One thing you’ll immediately notice about the weapons is that they look like a mashup of existing weapons and the technology used by the machines - so as you can imagine they are a bit different and more powerful than your standard weapon.
These weapons include:
- Experimental Klaucke 17 - Has a chance to trigger a small EMP explosion
- Experimental AG 4 - Can set machine components on fire due to heated bullets
- Experimental Pvg 90 - Adds a railgun upgrade that increases muzzle velocity and penetration, allowing you to hit multiple enemies with one shot
- Experimental 12G Pump-Action - Features flechette rounds that will explode when armed
- Experimental M/46 "Kpist" SMG - Includes an overdrive function that dramatically increases the fire rate
- Experimental Grg m/49 - Launches 2 grenades in the same burst
Full change-log:
- Added 4 new emotes for everyone to enjoy!
Weapons - Corrected an issue on PC where modifying controller settings could make it impossible to switch to the pistol when using keyboard.
- Fixed an issue where some (mainly the Granatgevär m/49) weapons did not play hit effects when hitting water.
- Hits from the Granatgevär m/49 should no longer always display its explosion and soot effects upwards.
- Fixed an issue where hits from the Granatgevär m/49 were not playing the correct material effect.
Missions - Fixed mission item for “The Gas Factory”.
- Corrected mission markers for the “Lone Wolf” mission.
- Fixed an issue where several dialogues could sometimes be played simultaneously during the final mission.
- “Enemy of My Enemy” now correctly appears in the mission log.
Loot - Fixed an issue that could cause ammo boxes not to populate loot for clients in multiplayer games.
- Tweaked loot tables to correct an issue with clients in a multiplayer game sometimes getting too much loot.
Machines - The Hunter’s flechette shotgun now has a projectile spread as intended.
World - Various tweaks to floating/misplaced world props/assets.
Animation - Corrected an issue that could cause thrown items to remain displayed in the hand after being used.
Map - Relay beacons now show on the map legend.
Crashes - Multiple crash causes located and fixed.