Weapon Skins are now unlocked in Generation Zero!
With the Dark Skies, Update weapon skins were introduced for the very first time in Generation Zero. With these five new free skins, we opened up the world of Östertörn to an entirely new type of customization and lootable rewards that we’re keen to expand upon in the future.

The free set of skins is available to all players who dare to face the menacing Rival enemies and manage to kill them. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll find one of the skins of their dead bodies.
Rich, our Lead Artist, comments: “Dark Skies sees the introduction of being able to customize your weapons further by applying cosmetic skins to them. The first round has a mix of well recognised camouflage to the more reclusive ones as well as a couple of weapons receiving The Resistance treatment. Keep an eye out for them as you loot machines and which weapons they apply for. We intend to add more skins to your favorite weapons in the future as well as expanding on your collection.”
Starting out, we added these free skins to some of your favorite weapons, such as the Magnus, AG 4, and 5, which we think is a good start as these are very well used among you players. Have you had the chance to equip one of these yet? We’d love to know, so drop us a line on one of our Social channels so we can hear what you think about it!

As our first step to expand on the free skins that we brought into the game, we’ve just now introduced the paid Camo Weapon Skins Pack DLC for all of you who just couldn’t get enough! Included in this pack, you’ll find ten new camouflage skins to redress an even more significant part of your weapon arsenal. These camo skins are specially designed to fit on some of the hard hitters such as the PVG 90, the AI-76, and the Granatgevär m/49! If you got a need for that little extra, get the pack on your platform store today!